Cassata Ice Cream Cake

Recipe created by Chef Ashian Topno

Summers are here and so is our Cassata Ice Cream Cake. Made with 3 types of ice cream, layered with cake sponge as the base – a perfect dessert for your summer menu!

Recipe Ingredients

Ingredient Weight
Pillsbury™ Premium Egg Free Vanilla Sponge 150 gm
Strawberry Ice Cream 200 gm
Chocolate Ice Cream 200 gm
Vanilla Ice Cream 200 gm
Chopped Nuts 100 gm


  1. Cut the Sponge into 1 inch height and place the Vanilla Sponge at the bottom of the cheese cake mould.
  2. Pour Strawberry Ice Cream over the sponge and freeze it for 10 mins.
  3. Pour Chocolate Ice Cream over Strawberry Ice Cream and freeze it for 10 mins.
  4. Now, pour the Vanilla Ice Cream and freeze it for another 15 mins.
  5. Remove the cake from the mould and garnish it with the chopped nuts.
  6. Serve cold.


  1. Play around with quantity to ensure drooling! You could also check with your customers which flavours they like more and customise it accordingly.
  2. Make sure you make this cake in temperatures between 5-10 degrees Celsius.
  3. A delicate cake like this one strictly needs a cheese mould only. This is to ensure effortless demoulding.