Maintain your finance sheet always!
Having a proper expense sheet helps you track your everyday expenditures. Maintaining a record of all the costs pertaining to raw materials, salaries and maintenance is absolutely crucial. Make sure that you have your insurance in place much in advance. Have multiple sources of income to regulate the flow of backup income. Create a balance sheet for your spending which will make it easy for you to trace your monthly and yearly profit margin. This will also offer you an insight into your spending patterns and measures to increase your profit margin.

Innovate and Diversify
Diversity is the key to reaching out to your customers’ hearts. Coming up with innovative bakery products or assimilating new baking trends can make a difference to your bakery’s footfall and online orders too. Don’t just innovate your menu, experiment with your settings too. Try some new setting or décor arrangement for your bakery. Set up a mobile food truck or kiosk nearby for people to taste your products. Catering for birthday parties can help you expand your customer network. Aim for a steady rise with increased activities and involvement that can result in growing profits.

Create a website
Website is a really important aspect of your business today. Having an SEO optimised website helps your customers to reach out to you online. Legitimise your online presence with a website to garner more keen customers. Delivering a seamless digital experience to the buyer is the key to converting a prospective customer into a loyal one. Make sure your website is easy to navigate and loads within a few seconds.

Collaborate with Online Food Delivery Apps
We live in the age of ordering food online. No one has the time or intention to go out for trying new cuisine or food anymore especially in recent times. People like to get their food and relish it at home. Integrating with the Online Food Delivery Apps is a way to get noticed by your consumers. Get listed on Zomato, Swiggy, or Food Panda and see the difference it will make to your business.

Tap the Power of Social Media
Business expansion and growing your social media following go hand in hand. Any food is first consumed by the eyes and then tasted by the tongue. Captivate your audiences by creating content that pleases their senses. Posting visually appealing product-centric posts; BTS videos; hacks to enhance baking skills and coming up with quirky baking tips and challenges can help you garner fans from around the world and locally as well.

Manage your Inventory Effectively
Always maintain precision when it comes to counting inventory. Track the modifications occurring in your pantry/kitchen as with every recipe created or a menu change, there is going to be a reduction in the quantity of ingredients. Hence, tracking the usage and value of perishables on a daily basis will help you keep things under control.

Pay Attention to Customer Reviews
Keep a check on customer reviews and feedback on a daily basis. Reviews provide insights into consumer behaviour. It could also help with making changes to the menu, help with the setting of your bakery/restaurant. Involving your customers is the best way to ensure higher satisfaction, returns, and a growing business.

Define your USP
Why should someone choose my bakery over any other? Create a list of these and bank on those to attract more consumers. Play up your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Always offer something different to your consumers that your competitors can’t offer. Come up with an innovative offer, service, or product that smashes the mundane. Think beyond the routine black forest cake or chocolate cookies. Conjure creative, delicious desserts that can make them and their money smile. Surprise them with your products or experience that they are compelled to choose you over the rest in their vicinity. Keep up with trends and stay on top of your game!
Venturing into a bakery business can be a new and exciting experience for you. Make sure you leave no stone unturned to make your bakery synonymous with success.
Good luck and happy baking!